For this lunch and learn activity I am going to focus on some of the O365 tools that I learned about that I am begin using right away. I feel like I am pretty well versed in using O365, but these were some nice little features that can easily go overlooked.
Office 365 Templates
Email Template:
Oftentimes I receive the same question in an email from students that I have to respond to over and over again. For example, most semesters I take the projects out of my course because I feel like there is enough work already in the course and I save the projects for extra credit or remediation opportunities. Each semester I get numerous emails from students asking me if they have to complete the projects even though there is a strike through them on the schedule. I created a template email to be able to send out each semester (and probably more than once each semester) about this topic. I also set up an email template to remind students of our weekly synchronous session. These are things that will ultimately save me time and are not very difficult to do.
Filtering Emails by Conversation:
As we all known we get many, many emails each day. So, I liked the idea of filtering my emails by conversation. This organization feature makes it easier for me to locate emails and keep track of what I still need to respond to. It also helps me keep track of parent communication that is done through O365 (not coming through THESIS).
Calendar Template:
The last feature that I chose to highlight is the use of the calendar template. I use my O365 calendar for a lot of things. It helps me stay on track with when I have meetings, due dates, etc. I chose to make a repeating calendar event to remind me and even have the ability to send to my students of our weekly synchronous session. I am hoping this will be a way that I can increase attendance at my live sessions. We'll see how it goes!
The lunch and learn was very beneficial. I am glad I was able to listen to the expertise of the colleagues that shared the various tools. I look forward to implementing the escape room next semester and putting these tools to use!