As has been discussed in this section, communication is the key to having a successful online program. As an online instructor there are many things that you have to keep in mind, such as the rules that accompany FERPA. So, while you may have the best intentions for communication, just remember not to violate the FERPA rules. Obviously, if a student is struggling, then the teacher would need to contact home. I always begin with an email to just check in, but if I do not get a response, I then make a phone call home. But I do not give out personal information in the email or the phone call. I always remind the parent that the grades can be checked in the family portal. Also, if I am emailing a student about something, I always copy the parent on the email, so they are aware of what is going on.
There are many ways to stay in constant communcation with your students and parents. One way that I just discovered is This is a great site that allows you to create fun, easy to read flyers as reminders for your students. You can easily add in texts and pictures. Also, as I have stated previously, Remind101 is a great source for easy communication. Below is the link to a flyer I created for my Analytic Geometry class.
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