Sunday, March 23, 2014

Navigate 3.1.1 LMS Tool Categories

After reading more about the LMS, I would imagine that the tools that would be most useful to me in math education would be those that helps with communicating to the students.  Email is a great way to communicate.  I currently teach math in a traditional high school classroom and I use email consistently with parents and students.  I know it would also be very useful in teaching GAVS.  I also think the synchronous sessions would be extremely useful in teaching math.  Being able to gets instant feedback from the teacher about how to do problems or use formulas, etc. would be very beneficial.  I also think the news announcements would be helpful to remind students about assignments/quizzes/tests.  I imagine I would also use the feedback in quizzes/tests feature to be able to help point out errors to the student.  It you don't know why you missed a question, it is hard to know what to do to fix it!

Overall, I think consistent communication with the student is essential to the student's success!

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