Sunday, March 23, 2014

Navigate 3.1.4 LMS Reporting

There are four level in which analytic grade reporting assists teachers and administrators.

The first in the student level.  This shows information relating to how many times a student logs in and how long they are spending online working on their assignments.  This is very helpful when the teacher is dealing with a struggling student to see a reason why the student might be having such a hard time.

The next level is the teacher level.  The teacher analytics help compare teacher to teacher and class to class.  If one teachers class is performing better than another in the same class, then the teacher level analytics might help identify an area where the teacher may need some improvement.

The third level is the course level.  This helps identify strength and weaknesses within every course.  Certain weaknesses can be identified and then changed to better fit student needs.  This can be very helpful, especially if you are dealing with a newly added course.

The fourth level is the program level.  This is more for administrators as they can use the program level to access all of the above information and make decisions about what classes should be updated and what teachers should be assigned to which class.

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